Category Archives: Langlebigkeitspillen _ China Impulses

Overview on everyday life events ‘with Chinese characteristics’. How much can an impulse affect a whole life?
Schritt für Schritt werden wir durch China reisen. Viel Spaß!

The uncomfortable moment of Chongqing CBD food markets*

This project is part of two field research periods that I carried out in the years 2011 and 2015-16 in the city of Chongqing, Southwest China. Since the administrative upgrade to the municipal level in 1997 the area experienced a

The uncomfortable moment of Chongqing CBD food markets*

This project is part of two field research periods that I carried out in the years 2011 and 2015-16 in the city of Chongqing, Southwest China. Since the administrative upgrade to the municipal level in 1997 the area experienced a

Jingjinji e la “campagna triennale di salvaguardia del cielo azzurro”

24/01/2020 Il “piano di controllo dell’inquinamento causato dal riscaldamento invernale 2019-20” è frutto del lavoro congiunto di più ministeri (ambiente, industria e informatizzazione, affari pubblici, finanze, costruzione urbana e rurale, trasporti, commercio), in collaborazione con il Comitato Nazionale per lo

Jingjinji e la “campagna triennale di salvaguardia del cielo azzurro”

24/01/2020 Il “piano di controllo dell’inquinamento causato dal riscaldamento invernale 2019-20” è frutto del lavoro congiunto di più ministeri (ambiente, industria e informatizzazione, affari pubblici, finanze, costruzione urbana e rurale, trasporti, commercio), in collaborazione con il Comitato Nazionale per lo

Xi’An: storie notturne di cibo e tradizioni

Xi’An nel nord-ovest della Cina costituisce indubbiamente una meta ambita per gli studiosi dell’Oriente, un luogo carico di significato quando si parla di cultura cinese: è qui nell’attuale Shaanxi infatti che si insediarono ben tredici dinastie imperiali, protette dalle mura

Xi’An: storie notturne di cibo e tradizioni

Xi’An nel nord-ovest della Cina costituisce indubbiamente una meta ambita per gli studiosi dell’Oriente, un luogo carico di significato quando si parla di cultura cinese: è qui nell’attuale Shaanxi infatti che si insediarono ben tredici dinastie imperiali, protette dalle mura

安静的重庆。 解析重庆从媒体中消失的原因

重庆直辖市坐落在中国西南部,因2012年一场大的政治丑闻而闻名,而这场政治丑闻使得重庆因此声名狼藉。政治斗争内部实际上反映的不仅是在这块土地上,还体现在对人民群众的行为方式上,人们用示威来支持当地政府。那么战争之后在这个舞台上发生了什么呢?一般而言,一件极具历史性的事件发生后,给这个国家或地区带来负面影响,想要一扫这负面影响最好的办法就是尽快忘记过去。重庆这个如此强大的工业基地屹立于其他任何方面,仅仅只被看作是一个工业温床吗?重庆的工业占年GDP的15%,但就是这些了么? 政治内部的变化并没有带来房地产行业的泡沫的消失,只是社会政策更加恶化,重要的是人们群众的需求。措施的取代,土地的征用等。这就是争夺权力的发生地,领导者的统治以及媒体的管理,国内外媒体都参与了胜利者的大宴。媒体帮助右翼势力使地面倾斜,这样地面上的球会快些滚到对方,回到当时在重庆发生的社会示威,如果媒体对这个报道不感兴趣,那么对这个城市和群众将剩下什么呢?这个城市绝不会成为一个工业温床,也不会成为一个贸易十字路口和铁路聚集处。重庆是巴渝文化,被诗人赞颂,西方人在困难时期试着走向河流上游不可达到的目标。这个城市的中心也是风水,一个世纪以前,这个城市在山的背后,是反抗蒙古部落入侵的要地;神话故事就发生在这里,凤凰在这里停下来休息。这里是汉族和土家族的文化交汇处,在战争时期,重庆还是中国的临时陪都。美国飞虎在高空中,称这个城市为扬子江上的上海。如果之后的工业政治改变了它的外形,那么,这个言论应该放在更宽的评估框架,这个框架应该包含中国城市分析。 这个城市有很多值得骄傲的地方,如:水资源,地形坐落山脚,中国最美女孩儿的城市及火热的爱国主义者等等。自1997年来,被假设为一个历史政治和地形角色:再不是什么上海市了,只是一个小小的中国。重庆目前从多方面来看在整个国家起示范作,尽管这个城市之后遭到了丑闻,但会有人用实力和技巧来重新激活中国这灰色的部分。在与当地群众的谈话涉及到社会的正规,那么,新的中央政府将在多大程度上被认为是创新呢?这就是重庆权力游戏和加尔文主义必须从新闻报纸上消失,而在夏季清晨被蒙上江河的薄雾的原因。总之,这层雾迟早会消失。 Translation by Galileo Galilei Italian Institute at Chongqing University 伽利略意大利中心,重庆大学

安静的重庆。 解析重庆从媒体中消失的原因

重庆直辖市坐落在中国西南部,因2012年一场大的政治丑闻而闻名,而这场政治丑闻使得重庆因此声名狼藉。政治斗争内部实际上反映的不仅是在这块土地上,还体现在对人民群众的行为方式上,人们用示威来支持当地政府。那么战争之后在这个舞台上发生了什么呢?一般而言,一件极具历史性的事件发生后,给这个国家或地区带来负面影响,想要一扫这负面影响最好的办法就是尽快忘记过去。重庆这个如此强大的工业基地屹立于其他任何方面,仅仅只被看作是一个工业温床吗?重庆的工业占年GDP的15%,但就是这些了么? 政治内部的变化并没有带来房地产行业的泡沫的消失,只是社会政策更加恶化,重要的是人们群众的需求。措施的取代,土地的征用等。这就是争夺权力的发生地,领导者的统治以及媒体的管理,国内外媒体都参与了胜利者的大宴。媒体帮助右翼势力使地面倾斜,这样地面上的球会快些滚到对方,回到当时在重庆发生的社会示威,如果媒体对这个报道不感兴趣,那么对这个城市和群众将剩下什么呢?这个城市绝不会成为一个工业温床,也不会成为一个贸易十字路口和铁路聚集处。重庆是巴渝文化,被诗人赞颂,西方人在困难时期试着走向河流上游不可达到的目标。这个城市的中心也是风水,一个世纪以前,这个城市在山的背后,是反抗蒙古部落入侵的要地;神话故事就发生在这里,凤凰在这里停下来休息。这里是汉族和土家族的文化交汇处,在战争时期,重庆还是中国的临时陪都。美国飞虎在高空中,称这个城市为扬子江上的上海。如果之后的工业政治改变了它的外形,那么,这个言论应该放在更宽的评估框架,这个框架应该包含中国城市分析。 这个城市有很多值得骄傲的地方,如:水资源,地形坐落山脚,中国最美女孩儿的城市及火热的爱国主义者等等。自1997年来,被假设为一个历史政治和地形角色:再不是什么上海市了,只是一个小小的中国。重庆目前从多方面来看在整个国家起示范作,尽管这个城市之后遭到了丑闻,但会有人用实力和技巧来重新激活中国这灰色的部分。在与当地群众的谈话涉及到社会的正规,那么,新的中央政府将在多大程度上被认为是创新呢?这就是重庆权力游戏和加尔文主义必须从新闻报纸上消失,而在夏季清晨被蒙上江河的薄雾的原因。总之,这层雾迟早会消失。 Translation by Galileo Galilei Italian Institute at Chongqing University 伽利略意大利中心,重庆大学

Il giorno in cui il Mare del Sud si restrinse

©MBonato, 27/05/15 Martedì 26 maggio a Pechino in conferenza stampa è stata presentata dal Pla la nona revisione della strategia militare cinese in versione baipishu, o libretto bianco, la cui prima pubblicazione risale al 2008: l’occasione è servita a sottolineare

Il giorno in cui il Mare del Sud si restrinse

©MBonato, 27/05/15 Martedì 26 maggio a Pechino in conferenza stampa è stata presentata dal Pla la nona revisione della strategia militare cinese in versione baipishu, o libretto bianco, la cui prima pubblicazione risale al 2008: l’occasione è servita a sottolineare

Chongqing La Silente. Why the municipality disappeared from the media

©MBonato, 30/04/15 Chongqing as city proper and as Chinese Municipality located in the south-western part of China, became suddenly famous in 2012 for a big political scandal, at the end of which its reputation came out devastated. The political struggles

Chongqing La Silente. Why the municipality disappeared from the media

©MBonato, 30/04/15 Chongqing as city proper and as Chinese Municipality located in the south-western part of China, became suddenly famous in 2012 for a big political scandal, at the end of which its reputation came out devastated. The political struggles

Christ stopped at Eboli, and perhaps at Tongnan [III]

Shuangjiang *   See also:

Christ stopped at Eboli, and perhaps at Tongnan [III]

Shuangjiang *   See also:

Christ stopped at Eboli, and perhaps at Tongnan [II]

Shuangjiang *   See also:  

Christ stopped at Eboli, and perhaps at Tongnan [II]

Shuangjiang *   See also:  

Christ stopped at Eboli, and perhaps at Tongnan [I]

Close to Sichuan lies the small village of Shuangjiang, rich in history and traditions but nevertheless forgotten and abandoned  to itself. Its inhabitants also don’t have a clear perception of what this place could have been in the past, except

Christ stopped at Eboli, and perhaps at Tongnan [I]

Close to Sichuan lies the small village of Shuangjiang, rich in history and traditions but nevertheless forgotten and abandoned  to itself. Its inhabitants also don’t have a clear perception of what this place could have been in the past, except

Street Art & Dismantling of a Project_II

The Huangjueping Graffiti Street is located in the southern district of Jiulongpo, Chongqing city proper. It is considered to be the largest Chinese graffiti art region, and perhaps also the longest in the world (it covers a territory of about

Street Art & Dismantling of a Project_II

The Huangjueping Graffiti Street is located in the southern district of Jiulongpo, Chongqing city proper. It is considered to be the largest Chinese graffiti art region, and perhaps also the longest in the world (it covers a territory of about